전수민, 브랜드 디렉터
Soo-Min Chun, Brand Director
As a nationally acclaimed director of SERVICE CENTER as well as creative director of CoSMO40, Min Chun is celebrated for not only his extensive achievements, but also his all-encompassing leadership. He is also an owner of PIZZA SERVICE, a music enthusiast, an unabashed navy collector.

고혁준, 디자인 디렉터
Hyeok-Jun Go, Design Director
Hyeok-Jun is a design director who majored in user experience research and design, and is usually a hooligan at Liverpool FC.

배재희, 아트 디렉터
Jae-Hee Bae, Art Director
Jae-Hee is in charge of communication with the clients, and proceeds and classifies the project. Sometimes she develops content necessary for branding and design or participates in product production. She is interested in collecting objects, which are essential elements of a space.

이희정, 디자이너
Hee-Jeong Lee, Designer
Hee-Jeong Lee is a designer with a background of visual design major. Her portfolio mainly consists of projects related to brand design, editorial design, and exhibition design. Apart from her work, she also finds joy in exploring delicious food and keeping her home clean and organized.  

김채은, 디자이너
Chae-Eun, a Visual Communication Design graduate, explores the visual arts with a boundless curiosity, embracing projects that expand in scope and form. Driven by a love for essentials without the extras, Chae-Eun now finds joy in shaping a meaningful living space.

전수만, 포토그래퍼
Su-Man Chun, Photographer
A prominent photographer Suman Chun is well-known for his quality shots of the spaces and various goods at Service Center. He is also the owner of mwm located in Seoul, and is the rank of purple belt in jiu-jitsu, taking the responsibility of the team's overall safety.

한정우, 포토그래퍼 🇨🇦
Jung-Woo Han, Photographer
Jungwoo Han is started his career as a photographer in San Francisco and now he is based in Canada. His work focuses on architecture, interior, and lifestyle photography. He enjoys drip coffee everyday and likes to discover hidden gems from flea market once in a while.

선의진, 에디터
Euijin Seon, Editor
As a passionate note-taker who believes in the power of writing, she is called by many titles – a wife, mom, writer, and manager, but the title of being her ‘self’ trumps them all. She strives to do what she loves for a living. She loves to write about ordinary and sentimental moments that occur in her everyday life.

톰 초이, 뮤직 큐레이터
Tom Choi, Music Curator
Born and bred in New York, Choi is an avid fan of film, music, and cold beer. To perfect the atmosphere of the spaces branded by SERVICE CENTER, he carefully curates and releases wide range of sounds on a regular basis.

나종아, 뮤직 큐레이터
Jongah Nah, Music Curator

노아 한, 쉐프
Noah Han, Chef
Upon graduating from CIA with a degree in Culinary Arts, he built his career at Danny Meyer's Untitled restaurant at the Whitney museum and Chef Daniel Humm’s The Nomad NYC. He now runs Nice Time and Nice Time 2 in Korea. He seeks and presents simple and chic cuisines.

정호석, 필름메이커
Ho-Seok Jeong, Film Maker
He is a filmmaker and photographer, exploring his gaze, images, and stories and also director of UNDERSTANDS WORKS studio. When he works, he likes to wait for objects to speak themselves and catch them from a different perspective. And he is the first to understand and second to sympathize with, and he is a pacifist.

전기홍, 포토그래퍼
Ki-Hong Jeon,Photographer
He's a lively photographer and creator, dancing through realms like candid snapshots, the art of living, delightful dining, and the world of fashion, driven by his curious nature. He takes great satisfaction in starting his day earlier than most, as he is a dedicated early bird, and he pursues a happy and 'hip' life with the people he loves.